
Showing posts from March, 2015

The Winner's Curse || Review || Spoiler Free

Title: The Winner's Curse Series: Book 1 in The Winner's Trilogy Author: Marie Rutkoski Format: Hardcover Page Count: 355 Rating: 5/5 Stars Synopsis:  Kestrel is the daughter of the general. She is a Valorian who lives in Herran, a colony of Valoria. Kestrel has to choose, she must marry or become a soldier, but Kestrel does like neither of those options. One day, when Kestrel and her best friend Jess are at a slave market, Kestrel buys a Herrani slave without planning it. This slave changes a lot in the life of Kestrel, but the slave is holding something from her..  My review I can safely say that The Winner's Curse is one of my new favorite books! It's very original. The Winner's Curse is considered as a fantasy book, but it does not really have a lot of fantasy elements. The only thing that makes it fantasy is that it takes place in another world. I loved this book a lot, I flew through it! The World The world, for a fantasy wor...

Snow Like Ashes || Book Review || Spoiler Free

Title: Snow Like Ashes Series: book 1 in the Snow Like Ashes trilogy Author: Sara Raasch Formar: Hardcover Page Count: 416 Rating: 4.25/5 stars Synopsis: Snow Like Ashes is a Fantasy novel that takes place in a world with 8 kingdoms. 4 season kingdoms, 4 rhythm kingdoms. All 8 kingdoms have their own magical conduit to make the folk stronger and healthier. 16 years ago, the Spring Kingdom took over the Winter kingdom. The queen died and the Winterians became slaves or died along their queen in the battles against Spring. Only a group of +/- 70 people escaped. Meira, who was only a baby then, was one of those people.  Now, 16 years later, there are only a few survivors of the escaped Winterians left. Including the furure king; Mather, the leader of the group; Sir, and Meira. They are trying to get the stolen Winter conduit back and save the Winterians.  .:My Review:. I really enjoyed this book. It is a very well written Fantasy book...