Snow Like Ashes || Book Review || Spoiler Free

Title: Snow Like Ashes
Series: book 1 in the Snow Like Ashes trilogy
Author: Sara Raasch
Formar: Hardcover
Page Count: 416
Rating: 4.25/5 stars
Snow Like Ashes is a Fantasy novel that takes place in a world with 8 kingdoms. 4 season kingdoms, 4 rhythm kingdoms. All 8 kingdoms have their own magical conduit to make the folk stronger and healthier.
16 years ago, the Spring Kingdom took over the Winter kingdom. The queen died and the Winterians became slaves or died along their queen in the battles against Spring. Only a group of +/- 70 people escaped. Meira, who was only a baby then, was one of those people. 

Now, 16 years later, there are only a few survivors of the escaped Winterians left. Including the furure king; Mather, the leader of the group; Sir, and Meira. They are trying to get the stolen Winter conduit back and save the Winterians. 

.:My Review:.
I really enjoyed this book. It is a very well written Fantasy book. The way Sara describes the landscapes, the people and the situations are very wonderful. I could easily visualize everything. 
Especially the battles were so well written. She described everything in the battles so well that I felt like I was there and I absolutely love that about this book!

The world was very interesting. I loved how their were 8 different kingdoms with each their own magical conduit. It was very interesting to learn about (some) of the kingdoms. I feel like each kingdom almost had their own personality. All the Winterians have white hair, all the people of the Authum kingdom have black hair and a darker skin, the rythem kingdom Cordellan was all gold. I really like that.
I also liked that Spring was the 'bad guy' because whenever I think of Spring I think of sweetness and everybody happy instead of cruelness and murder. 
Another thing is, every conduit can only be controlled by the king or queen of a kingdom. They use their conduit for the health and strength of their folk, but a conduit does or only obey a queen, or only obey a king. So 4 kingdoms have queens ruling their kingdom and 4 kingdoms have kings ruling their kingdom. I think that is awesome. *cough* feminist *cough*

I really think this books has some wonderful characters. Our protagonist, Meira, is a kick-ass girl who prefers a weapon over a dress. I really liked her, she's a strong character and I love how much she cares about the winter kingdom and how badly she wants to fight for it. 
Though I love Meira, she's not my favorite character. Actually, to my own surprise, Sir is my favorite character.
Sir is the man who brought up Meira (since the is an orphan). He is the leader of the group Winterians that had escaped. To be honest, I have no idea why Sir is my favorite character. He is very serious and kind off surly. I think I liked him because he means a lot to Meira and we read from her point of view. I also liked that he is very to the point. 
I also liked both the love interests though, in the end I preferred one over the other. I'm not going to say who because I feel like I will influence you in your choice and I want people to completely make the choice their own.  

The plot was a lot of fun! I felt like we already got to see quite a big part of the world in this first book, which I really liked. I felt like there was enough action, but also enough pages dedicated developing the characters and the world, which I think is important.
I really liked the dialogues in this book and just the way all the characters interacted 
The only thing I disliked about this book is that I could predict the plot twist, and I could predict it from quite early on. I was quite sad about that because I liked being blown away by books. Luckily it didn't ruin the story for me, but it did make me take of 0.75 stars. 
Now I also know that a lot of people didn't see the plot twist coming, so it's not that it was extremely obvious. Still a lot of people were very surprised.

Besides the fact that I could predict the plot twist I really enjoyed this book and how it was written. I definitely would recommend it if you're looking for a Fantasy book.
I'm also really excited for the sequel for this book which is called Ice Like Fire and has, just like this one, a STUNNING cover! I can't wait to see more of this amazing world and I'm really interested in what is going to happen to all the characters now! 

Please if you see any grammar errors tell me! I would correct them medianly!  
If you have any tips for me writing review, also please tell me! I'm still learning.
Tell me if you have read this book or if you are planning on reading it, I would love to chat about this book :) 
Big Love!


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