
Showing posts from January, 2015

December Wrap-up // January TBR

This december I've only read a total of 3 books. One of them I had to read my dutch class, so I'm not even going to add that one into this wrap-up because I don't think any of you are interested in that book. So for the wrap-up I only have 2 books to talk about. The fist book I've finished in December was: The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan. Third book in The Heroes of Olympus series 5 stars  So.. I've started reading this book in the beginning of Augustus and now, after 3 months I have finally finished it. The reason that it took me so long was NOT because I didn't enjoy the book. I just got in a massive reading slump and I didn't really have a lot of time to read sadly. But this December I finally got out of my reading slump!  I loved The Mark of Athena a lot! It is my favorite of The Heroes of Olympus series so far. I can't tell you guys a lot about the plot, but these books are about demi-god (half human, half god). There was a l...

2015 Reading & Blog Resolutions

It's a new year, which means new books, new challenges and 365 more days of reading! Last year I did a goodread challenge to read 40 books which I did complete. This year I want to do more than a goodreads challenge. This year is going to be a very busy year for me. I already know I won't have a lot of time for reading, but I also know reading is something you need to make time for. This year I am going to try to read 25 books. I know it is not a lot compared to last year and compared to a lot of other people, but for me this sounds like a lot at the moment. I also want to do the TBR-jar challenge. I got this idea from Katytastic on youtube. Click HERE to watch the video she made about it for more information. But basically I put 12 reading challenges in a jar and take one out every month so I can read a book that month that will complete the challenge. I want to do this because I like to read what I feel like reading, but still being challenged. You can make up...

Favorites of 2014

So, this year was a big reading year for me, compared to all my other years.  I have read a total of 40 books this year. The majority of the books that I've read this year, I have read in the first half of the year. The second half of of the year I got in a huge reading slump. This was also because of that school got a whole lot more busy after the summer vacation. I am actually kinda sad about that, because in the month September, October and November I haven't read any books. Still I'm really happy with 40 books because 40 books was my goodreads goal for 2014! Because of the amount of books I have read, I want to give you my top 7 of 2014. (I know it normally is a top 14 of 2014, but my favorites that were REALLY my favorites only got to 7 books) #7 Legend by Marie Lu This is the fist book in an amazing dystopian trilogy. This is probably the best dystopian book I have ever read, that's why it got in my top 7 of 2014. There was so much action and drama, it wa...